Google Adwords PPC Marketing

Keep up to date with Google Pay Per Click Marketing, Google adwords changes are never ending. Via this blog you can ensure you are always up to date. If you have any questions please call.

Is Google promoting PPC at the Expense of SEO

2019 Update on this blog post.from 2014 Google Webmaster tools will also provide information on Keywords been used to find your site. As part of our SEO services we will link Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools so you can see all of this info in the one place. ==================================================================================== If SEO is an important […]

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No politicians using Paid ads on Google or Facebook

Its Thursday the 22nd and the European and County Council Elections are tomorrow and I have not seen one paid ad for a candidate on Google or Facebook. The telegraph poles of the country are covered in posters, Vote No. 1 for him and her but nothing on-line. Yes I have seen organic posting on

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