
iOS 14 Uncovered

iOS 14 Uncovered Are you worried about how the new iOS 14 update is going to affect the performance of your Facebook ads? Well, it’s time to stop worrying as we are here to tell you all you need to know. When Apple first made the announcement about their latest privacy policies in their iOS […]

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Facebook traffic costing you too much ? Check Your Relevance Score

If you are paying too much for the ads you are running on Facebook it could be because Facebook has deemed your ads not relevant or at least  less relevant to the audience you are targeting compared to  other ads people are targeting at the same audience. Basically Facebook understands that you the merchant are

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Increase sales from existing web site traffic using Facebook re-targeting

Most people when looking to increase sales look for more traffic to their site.  They jump from Facebook to Google to LinkedIn and every other potential traffic source searching for more traffic. This can be very expensive and not always profitable. One strategy that is often overlook is Conversion Optimisation. This means getting more from

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No politicians using Paid ads on Google or Facebook

Its Thursday the 22nd and the European and County Council Elections are tomorrow and I have not seen one paid ad for a candidate on Google or Facebook. The telegraph poles of the country are covered in posters, Vote No. 1 for him and her but nothing on-line. Yes I have seen organic posting on

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